A Personal Opinion - Idam Porul

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A Personal Opinion

Opinion is a controversial word.
If I say I ate lunch, it'll hurt a fasting human or worse, poor & hungry human.
If I say I slept well yesterday, it'll hurt my friend with insomnia.
If I say it's my child's b'day, it'll hurt the millions suffering with their incapabilities.
Yet.. We are free humans and we are entitled to an opinion.
Human without an opinion on anything that matters or doesn't matter is just an evolutionized ape.
When educated intellectuals and so called new Patriots can speak about fellow people the way my fifth standard bullies called and abuse people with vulgar nicknames like Presstitutes, AAPtards, Sickulars etc, I just wanna say one thing again.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. And that's the reason why we are the largest Democracy.
Before asking people who don't conform to your ideologies to be pushed away to Pakisthan, Bangladesh and worse, to be hanged or shot, remember you are worse more than the terrorists who disrupt the balance from outside the nation, as you are against the fundamental democractic principles, freedom of speech and respect for fellow humans and you do all this true anti-national and in fact anti-human activities being inside the nation.
When you can't straight away fight against your fellow brothers who hit lovers during valentine's day..
When you can't post status against those who leeched a fellow human, whose son is a soldier, over a false accuse..
When you can't even feel compassionate about a student who committed suicide and try hard to project the dead as criminals for your polictical stance..
When you can't accept the fact that people can have different opinions than your own opinions..
Sorry mates.. You are all unfit to exist in democratic India and sorry.. not just India.. the whole world..!
- A Kind opinion.
Disclaimer: I do not support BJP, Congress, AAP, Left or whomsoever you think me to be. I am not for the caste reservation system and I believe that system discriminates people and creates new issues and it needs an end date, but the right time to end it must be analysed. I am not Pro-Kanhaiya Kumar and even though, I think he is a brilliant orator, I am not sure if he is a leader media projects him to be. I am just a human who feels disgust seeing most of you people who I held in high regard before and who I think of with contempt now due to such racial and religious partiality. And above is all a man's opinion and disgust for intellectuals behaving like fools for their own leader and blind ideologies owing to personal perception.

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