Game of Thrones: Season 7 Episode 5 Preview | Blood of Dragon | Currently Globally Game of Thrones - Idam Porul

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Game of Thrones: Season 7 Episode 5 Preview | Blood of Dragon | Currently Globally Game of Thrones

The defeated Lannister army approaches Daenerys while she commands over them to bend the knee and join her or refuse and die.

And the interesting fact, the look on the face of Tyrion in the preview whether or not she is behaving like her father or influenced by the Targaryen madness.

And in the next scene varys seems worried about daenery's and says Tyrion that he needs to find a way to make her listen.
Then we have a scene dragon with daenery on back lands near Jon snow and the dragon seems little unhappy.

And in the red keep Cersei says to maester Qyburn "whatever stands in our way we will defeat it".

Bran has vision of Knight king and the army of death marching towards Eastwatch and Jon snow agitated and asked to return to winterfell as soon as possible.

Watch the Preview for episode five " Blood of the Dragon" below

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