Released on 9 June 2017, Raabta comes ls under the genre of romantic action thriller film, directed and produced by Dinesh Vijan, Co-produced by Homi Adajania and Bhushan Kumar. Stars Sushanth Singh Rajput, Kriti Sanon and Jim Sarbh in the lead roles, the movie also shows Deepika Padukone playing a cameo role in the title song of the film and Rajkumar Rao too as a cameo appearance.
The plot is about Shiv (Sushanth) moving from India to Budapest for his banking job along with his friend Radha (Varun Sharma). Back home, Shiv used to be a fun-loving guy who's also a womanizer, continues to be so in Budapest also. There also lived a lady called Saira (Kriti), who is a chocolatier, who was haunted by mysterious nightmares. Shiv meets Saira for the first time when he was dating a woman and had to shop at Saira's. Shiv finds him deeply attracted to her and feels like having a deep connection towards her. Though she ignores Shiv at first, eventually she also gets attracted towards him and sleeps with him. The very next day, she feels guilty about it, reveals Shiv that she already has a boyfriend and she doesn't want to betray him. Later Shiv shows Saira that she would rather be with him than her boyfriend. Her boyfriend then breaks up with her and gradually Shiv and Saira gets closer.
One day Saira nad Shiv along with Radha happens to meet a psychic who seems to know about Saira's nightmares and reveals that her life is going to change drastically and she would have to witness her past life events repeating in this lifetime too and that only she can fix it.
Later one day, Shiv proposes Saira and she says that they have a unique connection between them but to put their love on a test by meeting with strangers and test whether they feel the same kind of a feeling towards anyone else. Shiv then flirts with many women doesn't feel that special kind of a connection which he has with Saira with any of them. Meanwhile, Saira gets infatuated to Zakir (Jen Sarbh) who is a wealthy liquor baron. Later when Shiv is on a work trip to Vienna, she dates Zakir and tells him that she finds herself drowning in him because he is exactly of her type but also says that her heart belongs to Shiv. Zakir then drugs Saira and kidnaps her, trapping her at his mansion on an island, ordering his henchmen to kill Shiv. When she regains consciousness, she asks Zakir to let her go but he starts behaving like a psychic lover saying that he had been searching his whole life for her and that they were deeply in love with each other in their past life but were separated. So he did not want it to happen again in this lifetime. When she refuses to believe all that, he showed her some painting which was unclear. Unable to believe all that and trying to escape from there, she falls into the ocean and there she gets triggered by the memories of her past life.
Over a 100 years ago, Saira was a warrior princess Saiba, Zakir was a warrior of her tribe Kaabir and Shiv was a Muraaki warrior Jilaan. Saiba and Kaabir were in love with each other. When the Muraaki warriors led by an old wise men threatened Saibas tribe, Zaakir was deeply wounded by Jilaan and asked him to surrender. Saiba challenged Jilaan but later falls in love with him. She then accepts her defeat and srrender herself to Jilaan and her kingdom to Muraakis.
When Kaabir tried to take Saiba back, she revealed that Jilaan and herself are in love with each other. On their wedding night, a comet falls and the Muraaki leader signs it to be a fateful night. The revengeful Zaakir ambushes Saiba and Jilaan, kills him and throws into the ocean. Saiba trying to save Jilaan drowning dies herself in the ocean. Kaabir then cut off his throat and dies. The Muraaki leader for says the events to repeat again in any other lifetime of them.
When Saira remembered all these, she agrees to marry Zakir on a condition that he would let Shiva go free. Returning to Budapest and unable to find Saira, Shiv happens to see the engagement announcement of Saiba and Zakir in the newspaper believes that she is marrying Zakir for his money goes to the engagement party and sadly wishes her. Later when Shiv and Saiba meet secretly, he helps her get away from the island. Meanwhile, Saira tries to narrate Shiv about their past life but he doesn't believe her but be in a conviction to be with her as he was in love with her. Zakir's henchmen kept on following them. Suddenly, a comet falls when they thought that they have safely escaped on a barge. But Saira identifies it to be the same fateful night comes in their past life. Zakir ambushes them and Shiv drowned into the ocean exactly the way it happened in their past life. However, Saira jumping into the sea was able to save Shiv. Later Zakir is killed and Saira and Shiv get united.
The movie ends with Shiva humorously telling their children not to believe Saira if she narrates any story about reincarnation.
-Irin M
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