How to handle a bully? - Part 3 | Currently Globally Opinion - Idam Porul

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How to handle a bully? - Part 3 | Currently Globally Opinion

Change doesn't happen overnight as most of us think or the movies make us believe.

Change happens gradually.

Anbu: When dealing with bullies, as you know, yelling "STOP" or "NO" or leaving the place doesn't work. Therefore, next time when someone bullies you, you need to stand up for yourself.
      If he pushes you, you push him back. If he punches you, you punch him back.

Shawn: But my teacher says, "Violence is not the answer".

Anbu: Of course, violence IS the answer. If violence is not the answer, why do we go to the wars almost every year?
      Why don't we keep asking the terrorists, "STOP" or "NO"?
      People don't practice what they preach.

Shawn: Teacher asks us to report to him when someone bullies.

Anbu: Does it work? Did the bully stop bullying?

Shawn: He got the warning. He bullied me again the next week.

Anbu: "Speak softly and carry a big stick". Do you know who said this?

Shawn: President Teddy Roosevelt.

Anbu: Exactly. Sometimes, there is a need for violence.

Shawn: Didn't you say Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr are the biggest proponents of non-violence?

Anbu: Yes, I did.

Shawn: Then, why do you want me to resort to violence?

Anbu: How did they die?

Shawn: Bad people shot them.

Anbu: Correct. Non-violence proponents met their end violently. Even the non-cooperation movement led by Gandhi ended violently.
      If Gandhi were to go on a hunger strike now, we would probably let him die of starvation.

Shawn: If reporting to the teacher doesn't work, don't they know that this doesn't resolve the issue?

Anbu: They know that.

Shawn: Then, why do they still insist on this policy of reporting to them?

Anbu: Can they say, "If someone beats you, beat him back"? No. Right? Because, if a kid fought back and broke his bully's arm, who is going to be in trouble?

Shawn: School?

Anbu: Exactly. The school will be in trouble for advocating violence. School wants to cover their asses. That's why they still have this useless policy of "Report to the Teacher".

Shawn: What are you saying?

Anbu: If someone insults you, insult him back. If someone slaps you, slap him back. That's the only way to end the bullying. My policy is, “Don’t start it. When someone starts it, don’t run away.”

I had to have so many conversations like this for several times.
I see some changes in him.

I will let you know how he turns up when he is 16.

Handling bullies is a life hack that everyone should be aware of.

Bullying doesn’t stop in the school. You will encounter bullies outside the school as well.

One should be ready and be prepared to face them.
I have seen bullies in the offices. Though it rarely gets physical, emotional abuse is still present in the office environment where everyone expects to behave as a professional and should treat others with respect.

Hold on...I am getting a call from Shawn.

Anbu: Shawn, why are you calling me now? Aren't you supposed to be in the school now?

Shawn: Appa, come and pick me up. And you need to take me to the ice cream shop.

Anbu: Why?

Shawn: You said, violence IS the answer to stop the bullying. Right?

Anbu: Yes.

Shawn: Scott kept calling me names and insulting me. I got pissed off. I stabbed his right cheek with my sharp pencil.

Anbu: WHAT THE F**?

-Anbarasu Rayappan

Here's a picture of Shawn!

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