Game of Thrones - Long Walk - Season 7 Trailer | Hollywood movie review - Idam Porul

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Game of Thrones - Long Walk - Season 7 Trailer | Hollywood movie review

Game of thrones is about to be back folks and the lead contestants are reduced to three this time. 

Jon Snow, Cersei Lannister, and Daenerys Targaryen. 

No other TV show has seen these many ups and downs and Game of thrones roller coaster ride is coming to an end with just 2 seasons officially remaining. 

After all the violence, rapes and assassinations, these three wonderful actors are fighting for the throne and Cersei is the one currently occupying the "definitely uncomfortable to sit" throne. 

This trailer aptly named "Long Walk" symbolizing the long walk these characters has to go through to get to this place and also, the walk towards their ancestral thrones in cases of Daenerys and Jon Snow. 

We see Daenerys finally arriving Westeros after all the roundabouts she took. Also, Khaleesi had time for a great hair-do too. And as always Emilia Clarke looks fantabulous in the new layered hairstyle. We can understand it by the scene where she sits down on Dragonstone throne, which is her family's actual ancestral throne. 

Cersei looks mentally depressed and has more coldness than before and her face is slowly losing the past beauty and replaced with hatred and mental illness as she sits on the Iron Throne.  (Noticed the lyrics as she appears? "Those who find they're touched by Madness"?)

Jon Snow, the knower of nothing, finally sits back at her father's, err, sorry, his uncle's place at Winterfell. 

This trailer finally ends with another reference to White walkers and the actual threat to Westeros. This trailer seems to be simple and at the same time impactful as the series finally start revealing the actual probables of Iron Throne and also the impending end.
Let us wait for July 16, 2017, for the comeback of our favorite show and I am eager to see who remains alive the next season. 

Valar Morgulis!

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