Recipe for a happy Life .. :) - Idam Porul

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Recipe for a happy Life .. :)

Be Crazy, Be Stupid, Be Silly , Be Weird, Be Whatever. Because Life is too short to be anything but "HAPPY" .. :) .

Life isn't about pleasing everybody, we cannot impress everybody in the world.There is no human who exists who is loved by everyone. We need to accept this FACT of Human Life.

We cannot find the "Happy Life", we need to make it .It is completely in our way of thinking.

Neither a person is sad always nor a person is happy always, we should never compare our life to others, we can never get to know what they are really going through or have gone through.

Life is a circle , one has to go through ups and downs , only when we feel the pain , we can cherish the success or happiness.Sad phase is the path to happiness. Its in our hands to make the sad phase into a stepping stone and reach the point till you feel happy.

We should never give our key to happiness to someone else. It is we who need to decide our happiness at any point of time.

Be happy for this moment.This moment is our life.Few words below if followed ,it will surely lead to a happy life .. :)

Live, Love,Laugh,Expect Nothing,Don't compare,Smile,Appreciate,Stay Humble,Be kind,Empathize,Accept the way people are , Never kill the kid in you,Enjoy every moment.

Make every day "The Day" of your life.

Keep Smiling... :) :) :)

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