Bollywood diva and former Miss World, Aishwarya Rai has made it to front pages through this recent bizarre claim made by a youth from Andhra Pradesh.
Sangeeth Kumar, a native of Vishakhapatnam is drawing media attention by claiming that Aishwarya Rai is his mother.
Sangeeth says that he was born in 1988 in London through IVF and was raised for two years by Aiswarya’s parents. His father Aadivelu Reddy later brought him to Vishakpatnam. Sangeeth added that he had since been living at Vishakpatnam.
Sangeet Kumar doesn’t possess any documents to prove that Aishwarya is his mother. He says that his relatives had destroyed the documents.
He adds that he wishes to stay with Aishwarya Rai as he is all alone now.
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