Oviya's suicide attempt - The main reason behind | Bigg Boss Tamil | Vijay Television | Currently Globally Trending - Idam Porul

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Oviya's suicide attempt - The main reason behind | Bigg Boss Tamil | Vijay Television | Currently Globally Trending

Bigg Boss Tamil and Oviya are the trending topics today - currently and globally.

As Bigg Boss Tamil housemates stepped into their day 40, the day was filled with twists and turns and finally ended with Oviya speaking with a psychiatrist and then, attempting suicide by drowning into swimming pool and then rescued by the housemates.

After some more events, the day ended with Oviya getting Bigg Boss's nod to move out of Bigg Boss house and the day ended without any promos or actual scenes of Oviya leaving the Bigg Boss house.

Now, we have a series of videos which say who might be the reason behind Oviya's drastic suicide attempt and eventual eviction from the house.

Have a look at all three videos and provide your comments on the same.

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