Trump vs Paris Climate Agreement - Deglobalization again? | Currently Globally Trending - Idam Porul

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Trump vs Paris Climate Agreement - Deglobalization again? | Currently Globally Trending

The Paris agreement on climate-enforced on October 5, 2016, brings all nations into the common cause to strengthen the global response and to protect the earth from the threat of climatic changes by keeping a global temperature level below 2 degree Celsius and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 degree Celsius. It also tries to strengthen the ability of countries to deal with the impacts of climatic changes. Out of 197 parties of the convention 148 parties have ratified it.

Last week, US President Donald Trump had proclaimed that the US is recoiling from the Paris Climate Agreement. Trump explained that "Inorder to fulfill my solemn duty to protect America and its citizens, the United States will withdraw from the Paris climate accord." He said that the people of Pittsburgh has elected him not to represent Paris and he added that the treaty would make a tunnel in the economy of the state and would also make the lives of the working classes miserable. He said that the ultimate power would get delicate and unacceptable laws would be fiercely endorsed upon people. He also added that this would make the US get sidelined in front of the other countries forever.

A universal protest has emerged against Trump's proclamation. Including Barack Obama had come into a protest against the Trump government. Obama even proclaimed that even though US recoil or continues to stay in the agreement, every states, city, and companies of US should strictly follow the measures to overcome the climatic fluctuations.

The US is the country which stands prominently in the production of Carbon that causes the climatic fluctuation and global warming. In my opinion, recoiling of Trump could be called as a disrespect to mother earth and also as a tremendous deception against the human race. The recoiling from the historic agreement could be the negligence of the core and the basic need of the earth. The withdrawal announcement happened just the day before the 'World Environmental Day' clearly proves that it is a disrespect to the earth and its human. Trump's withdrawal gives a hint of danger that is yet to come. The increase in the amount of naturally occurring gases adversely affects the climatic condition and global temperature which also causes hurricanes and other natural disasters as well. Therefore in one stretch, Trump's decision could be considered foolish. If we look at the economic, geographical and political aspects of the US itself, disesteems the decision is merely illogical and also could be called as a crime against the human race.

Even Obama said that the position of US has become one among the few states that disesteem the future of the world. Thus, Trump should reconsider his recoiling against the Paris agreement which is to protect the earth and environment.

-Irin M

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