Things Wonder Woman Teaches Us| Hollywood Movie Review | Currently Globally Cinema - Idam Porul

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Things Wonder Woman Teaches Us| Hollywood Movie Review | Currently Globally Cinema

DC is the more matured brother of Marvel. You can have your own views on this debate. But, we aren't saying Marvel isn't as great as DC but, just that DC is matured than Marvel.

Wonder Woman and the virtues she possesses reiterates what we said above and revives the superhero genre and DC cinematic universe once again after the famous Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy.

Wonder Woman, as most comics fans would know after many revisions, is the daughter of Zeus, the God of Gods and brought up by Amazons led by her natural mother Hippolyta, the race created by Zeus to spread compassion in the world and to aid humans against the villainous Ares, the God of War.

2017's Wonder Woman directed by Patty Jenkins follows the same storyline and brings the origin of this mighty character before our eyes and this movie is actually a preview of the much more expected Justice League.

Story wise, the film stays true to its comics roots and Diana of Themyscira alias Diana Prince finds injured Captain Steve Trevor in her mythical island and follows him to the real men's world to resolve the great war which is later known as World War I, by killing Ares, the God of War.

Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman is one exemplary example of best casting and her casting decision singlehandedly could have taken the movie to heights. She is naive in the beginning and understands the world and its people with time and stays true to her mission, that is to save the world and spread compassion. She really believes in the world as it is and feels true love could be the solution for everything that is ill here.

Chris Pine as Steve Roger has done a neat job and our heart roots to him and all other supporting actors has done what was required too. 

Technically, Music has a good scope in increasing our heartbeats in the movie and Wonder Woman's theme music is heroic and is the same as the one used in Zack Snyder's Batman vs Superman. 

Also, VFX is great and nowadays, we feel bored to appreciate the realness the visual effects and animation team brings forward but, Wonder Woman's VFX team really deserves the appreciation. 

Patty Jenkins, who has earlier directed Monster, has done a commendable job in Wonder Woman and this storyline and her treatment stands as a testimony of good super-hero movie making and also, makes us too believe that true love and compassion can really save this wretched world.

This movie might even become the flagship of feminists as it breaks all male-chauvinistic beliefs and breaks the stereotypes in multiple places and DC should be highly appreciated to have a real female superhero instead of a glam-doll with no actual powers or vigor.

Bottomline: Wonder Woman saves the world and future of super-hero genre too and watch it for the trust she has in our world and also, for Gal Gadot herself.

Our Rating: 

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