Despite criticisms from all ends, GV Prakash Kumar insists on being an actor and this time, he teams up with talented Pandiraj as co-producer and also, the dialogue writer of the movie "Sema" directed by Valliganth.
Like most of G. V. Prakash Kumar movies, this movie seems to have a lot of "Double entendre" and also, like most of Pandiraj movies, Sema seems to be a rural subject with usual love and a struggle to win in life and join hands with the loved one.
G. V. tries hard to emote and improve his dance movements and the hard work is very much visible in the shots but, sadly, they are still not up to the mark to become a good actor in Tamil cinema. For her different name, Arthana Binu looks different too and she actually looks a bit old in her shots with G.V.
Music wise, G. V. is slowly losing his place as prominent composers in Tamil industry after he came into acting, and this movie's songs stand true to that decline and is a bit bland.
However, the title and credits design look good and Pandiraj has always been a filmmaker who believes in having strong female roles and well-etched female characters. We hope that particular factor remains in this movie too, in which the dialogues are penned by him.
Overall, based on the trailer alone, we are not pleased and it feels like G. V. insists on remaining in a safer zone with good-old subjects or sex comedy related subjects rather than any good experiments like Vijay Antony. This has to change for G. V. to stay relevant and to be accepted as an actor in the industry.
Let's hope this is not a usual rural love story which we see in abundance and it has some unique likable factor.
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