Learn English Through Tamil - Part 1 - Idam Porul

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Learn English Through Tamil - Part 1

Right from college to work and even casual meetings and relationships,  English has always been a nightmare for most non-English speakers. 

Importantly, in a developing nation like India, English plays a vital role in every aspect of your life. And in a state like Tamilnadu where the number of Engineers and Doctors are increasing in millions each year, English is necessary to set yourself aside from the usual crowd.

I've had friends, who are super-talented and have great ideas but, as they lack proper English, I've seen them fail in impressing people and worse, even communicating their idea to the one necessary. I've seen friends from rural parts of the state worry a lot about English and fail to bring them forward in any challenges and most of the times, such opportunities are well-used by less intelligent but more English-proficient people.

So, we came up with a Spoken English series through Tamil for native Tamil speakers which will increase your English proficiency and also, will make you attain the success you deserve. Be it in professional or personal life.

Have a look at the video below by Dr. A. Xavier Amaladoss from Mejel & Mejel Skills development academy, who has more than 30+ years of teaching experience including 7+ years of teaching experience in London, UK.

This is a complete series and if you wish you can follow through the series and subscribe for updates. 

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