Points to note for a happily married Life !! - Idam Porul

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Points to note for a happily married Life !!

  • EMBRACE  REALITY : Irrespective of the marriage type, love or arranged marriage , reality will hit us hard  when we start seeing every emotion as both will start living under one roof. Before marriage a person cannot show every emotion when he meets for few hours or talks for few hours  As Time passes by we can easily embrace the reality if we whole heartedly accept the true nature of each other. A human can neither love continuously nor hate continuously, he has to go through every emotion. Embrace this reality to live a peaceful, better, happily married life.

  • TRUST: Trust is the basic foundation and relationship can survive only with trust. Never suffocate your partner with over possessiveness , orders or by doubting them all the time. Give them the breathing space they need.

  • "ME" TIME:  Every individual will need some time to reflect their inner feelings , to spend time for themselves and to do things they want. Love will blossom more when you give them full freedom to choose their "ME" Time.

  • EQUALITY: Treat your partner equally in everything irrespective of the decision. Sit together, discuss , give importance to both the feelings and concerns before taking a decision. Take equal responsibilities in doing tasks, let that be shopping, household chores and financial affairs.

  • REASSURANCE: Never take things for granted. Reassure your love to your partner by words or by actions or by surprises constantly. Ultimately we all are humans , we love to be loved and to be pampered by our loved ones. Never let your laziness  come in between you and your partner.

These little steps aren't hard to follow and when constantly applied, these little things can do wonders.

Love Forever :) <3 :)

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